| - Now...Metro center mall...a very lively place as it next door to other shopping areas..yet the how you say...ok?
the mall it self (the interior) is very nice indeed, a modern, classy 21st century shopping outlet..which has it's good variety of restaurants, apparel shops, and entertainment stores..i come here for a variety of reasons...
1. They have the store All4Anime, which is a little dinky anime shop located in the right-back corner of the mall. I come here to snoop around and look at their awesome stock of anime products.
2. They actually still have their arcade! I come there after i eat in the food court, which is located across it. I play Capcom v.s SNK here.
3. Suncoast. A large store that has a LARGE stock of movie memorabilia and anime stuff.
--Everything else is crap! There are some closed stores and restaurants that are just there to fill up space for no reason.
---A cast of strange people go there. Punks,Goths,Thugs,Hobos, you name it!
FINAL VERDICT! : I would go here for entertainment stores (for games,dvds,), if you want a silent, normal shopping area go to Arrowhead mall...which is mainly for clothes..