I'm giving it three-stars, but it honestly started as a one-star experience. The appearance and feel of the place is that of a diner/Irish-dive-bar hybrid. It isn't dirty but it is a bit dark. It isn't all-american diner, but there's a diner-esque feel to the floor-plan. But it is Irish, and that's super fun.
Mel U. wrote that the first impression was that of "MAKEOVER TIME!" and I agree. But I wouldn't change their motif or the theme ... I just would update a little. And perhaps send some of the staff to polishing classes.
Our bartender had no issue making it clear she was tired, didn't really want to be there, and felt somewhat inconvenience by the fact that people showed up right at 430pm. About 30 minutes later tho ... we were all laughing together and having a grande ole time!! So I'll file that into "crappy first impression" archive and give her the benefit of the doubt. (I used to work retail, so I know sometimes customers is that last thing we want to see.)
Now on to the booze and drinks! Our drinks were STRONG. Linda W. asked for a Dark&Stormy which caused the initial inconvenience wave since ginger beer was in the kitchen coolers. I went with a basic Diet & Vanilla vodka. Drinks were strong and good. The D&S could have used some extra lime but it was heavy enough that it was good in its own right.
The food was good. My burger was cooked to order and the sweet potato fries were scrumptious. Linda W. was able to get a basket of fries which were a great value!
There are a couple drink-and-chill all the time type customers there so the conversation was rather interesting once Serena R. arrived dressed as Carmen SanDiego. We left with smirk and a bit of an eye roll at what was certainly a unique experience in one of Liberty Avenue's eating establishments.