I mean no disrespect to the Yelpers here who've said things like "the prices are a bit high" or who've listed this place as less than 5 stars. The truth about this place is it's amazing; it's amazing in so many more ways than what simply meets the eye.
Let's start with the idea that it's a non-profit organization, and that if you want to make a difference in society, you understand that it's not all about making a 'contribution' via production, or satisfying the ego with big dreams to do something huge in the world. It's about the little things you do, each and every day, and spending $$ at a place like this when you could easily go elsewhere to corporate iconic wastelands ala Sprawlmart, then you understand that buying groceries from a place like this isn't just about the delicious food you put on the table or the convenience in how it got there.
It's about community. It's about reshaping parts of a broken system with subtle resistance and contributions to a place like this; buy farm fresh - support local farmers, do what you can to curb the obesity pandemic surely, but it's so much more than that. It's also about what this nonprofit does for your community. Like helping low-income families afford fresh vegetables so that they're not feeding their children more hydrogenated lifestyles because they're too misinformed or poor to shop elsewhere.
The selection is incredible; farm fresh vegetables and eggs taste like nothing you've ever imagined if you're a recovering ex-Suburbanite, and all this an more matters so much more concretely than the idea that I have to dish out an extra dollar for those eggs.