| - Today, I went to the Koffie Cafe. I was bored; looking for someplace new and different to go on this cold, lazy Sunday. It was empty, but had an inviting decor: warm colors, large windows and lots of hardwood. I settled in with a bagel, the house coffee & a book. Slowly, the tiny coffee shop filled up with an eclectic mix of folks- grad students, a yuppie couple enjoying a late lunch, and a super tattooed Black Keys fan with a Apple laptop, among others.
The menu is typical for a coffee shop; it includes a wide variety of coffee drinks, tea, chai, and pastries. They also offer an adequate selection of sandwiches. Tucked in next to the Flying Fig and across from the Great Lakes Brewery, The Koffie Cafe is a cozy neighborhood coffee shop perfect for just hanging out. I will definitely visit the Koffie Cafe again!