I went to this dentist through my Aetna dental plan. On my first visit I told them I only wanted to get what was covered by my insurance because I'm a broke college student. They went to call Aetna and came back to tell me that my insurance covered one deep cleaning per year and regular cleanings every few months. So I said "If those are entirely covered then schedule me for those." during this first visit they gave me my "deep cleaning". What they didn't tell me was that when you get a "deep cleaning" they bill it and every single REGULAR cleaning after that as "gum disease maintenance". I kept coming in for my regular cleanings and believe me they were regular cleanings. I was flossed and scraped and sent on my way, nothing special. But they told my insurance that these were super special cleanings for gum disease (which I don't have by the way) and now my insurance has denied every single claim. A year's worth of regular cleanings all denied because Desert Dental Solutions are scam artists. They're lying to my insurance company to get more money out of me then they would've gotten from Aetna for normal cleanings. Every time I call Desert Dental they tell me they'll figure out what happened and then they never call me again, they only keep sending me the bill again and again. I tried to report them to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (as their website says they're a member) and guess what? They aren't listed as a member.