Yes, it's the Go-To place for all of your liquor needs! Been frequenting Frugal for a few years, and I have to say it's the place to go for all of your needs! The place is huge and you'll save quite a bit of money if you pay with cash/debit. The neat thing here is, the sheer quantity of different varieties of vodka, runs, tequila, scotch, whiskey, and mixers. Things you've never heard of, and larger sizes than you can find in most of your neighborhood store. The proofs are also higher on some of your favorites as well! Most weekends there will be sampling going on in the store from one of the vendors. This allows you the chance to sample something you've never heard of before! It's fantastic for stocking up for large parties, as well as being able to go for that top shelf item you've always wanted! Go try them out and get your drink on!