Lexy S, I'm sorry to hear that was your experience when this is such a great box! Every coach here teaches me something new and makes me feel welcome even though I'm a beginning and have to scale almost everything. Every coach remembered my name after my first time of working with them too, that to me says a lot.
Other boxes I've been to, I've felt small and out of place against the big dogs. But I don't here. My PR's are celebrated just like everyone else's and we're cheering for the last person to finish even more than we are the first.
I don't know that I've ever done anything more empowering for myself than join this particular box. That being said, the kids and the cartoons you mentioned - isn't it great that there's an environment where parents can share that empowerment with their kids and maybe instill in them an understanding and appreciation of health at such a young age?
The smell? You must have walked in when a coach was using the facilities' kitchen to prepare a paleo meal. Pretty cool if you ask me and a great way to get inspired by new recipes.
It's scary trying something new, even if you already Crossfit, it's scary changing boxes. I'm so glad I did though! I've seen so many powerful results in not only my body but my mind and self esteem too. I get healthier everyday and can't wait to see where I'm at in a few more months time!