Well another bad experience here. This place has just about soured me on owning a Ford. Need a catalytic converter for my Flex and this place wants to charge me over $1,000 to replace. We purchased the part from Ford's part Dept. for $340 and will be taking to another mechanic to fix. So approximately $700 in labor Ford seriously????
Worst part of my experience was that walking in everyone in service apparently knew that no warranties cover this part, they proceeded to let me waste money on a rental (not covered by warranty now) and charge me the 140 for "diagnostic". Ummm.. i walked into this place and told them it was the catalytic converter because I had already taken the car to auto zone to have the code diagnosed for my check engine light. So cost me about 200 for a waste of a rental car and their diagnostic fee to tell me they wanted the price ledge to rip me off further by charging 1000.00 to replace a part any other mechanic would charge half the price to do.
My next car was going to be a mustang but I think this place and their terrible service and ridiculous prices has made me never want to purchase another Ford again. I will not be purchasing my mustang after all.