Science and Technology museums are amazing places. They give you the same feeling that Disney World gives, the feeling of absolute amazement. And the Centre des Sciences de Montreal is the perfect example of that.
The museum is full of interactive exhibits. Both for the kid and the adult. Though it does appear their main demographic is the age group full of wonder (e.g. Kids). But that does mean adults can not enjoy it. And there s a sweet pedulum ride for those under 250lbs. Plus when I went there were dinosaurs. Who does not like dinosaurs?!
But there are some cons to this place. The first has to be the price. While it is definitely worth paying for. It is not worth 13 bucks. The exhibits are nice. But not that nice. It appears that they want to watch the IMAX movies. Which is nice. But I don't want to spend my whole day in the museum. When it is located in the Old Town. Which is just fun to walk around.
But even with all those perks and problems. It is still worth a visit.