Thee worst cable company I've EVER HAD! My bill is never accurate, I was told I would have a military discount applied to my account once I produced my military ID at a store but that was a BOLD FACE LIE! They'll tell you anything to set up services to get your business. The employees in the call center and at this location are extremely incompetent, arrogant and rude. Stop it, your a cable guy! I wish I could get my AT&T Uverse back!! They're a garbage cable company! I've seriously had issues since initiating my services in December 2016. CHECK YOUR BILL STATEMENT EVERY SINGLE MONTH. They'll add fees unbeknownst to you and pretend to not have any knowledge or explanation. Oh and the Internet sucks! I literally must disable WiFi on my phone in order to access the Internet. I can only use T-mobile data which is fast as lightening. I'm being charged by these clowns for nothing. The only reason I keep WiFi is so that my son can play his ps4 online. Trash cable company across the board. There should be a class act lawsuit against this scummy company.