| - This is a comment on Jacki's very negative and self-centered review. This review is all about JACKI, JACKI, JACKI.
Jacki, you most likely have never had to prepare a sermon, nor do you consider the "atmosphere" for receiving the Word. Most people in any congregation have had children and managed to bring them up going into their own area. You don't seem to be aware that some have trouble concentrating when there is noise or commotion. The pastor, no doubt, has spent many hours to prepare a message that will help his congregation. Yet you are blind to anyone's needs other than your own. It is obvious you are very young and entitled. As a visitor you do not support or serve this church, but you are self-righteous about your "right" to do as you wish in a church that started without your help, input, or financial support. Your attitude is rebellious and arrogant, so I am wondering where that fits into "church" life, where the goal is to become more Christ-like. Humility and graciousness are virtues you should consider cultivating. I believe no one will take your review seriously because "selfishness" is written all over it. I'm wondering if your family agrees with what you wrote about "their" church.