| - Crappy experience. Dentist talked to her assistant about me (in a demeaning way about my oral health), right outside the room I was waiting in. Had to know I was well within ear shot. I get it, I know my teeth suck, I don't floss everyday like I should, but at least lecture me to my face I can take it, I wore my big girl pants. It just felt like mean girls gossiping because it wasn't treatment related things like, "who lets it get that bad? Who does that?". I already hate dentist visits as it is, that's why it had been 3 years since my last visit. Anyway, I went to Hillside Dental down the street, they fixed me up with a deep cleaning and 2 fillings and I was good to go. Genuinely friendly, not fake and the while the dentist there did give me a lecture about flossing daily, he also went over how to do it properly. The right way to discuss things with patients.