If there is one dealer that is flat-out worse than Rohrich Mazda, it's Century 3 Chevrolet. I've never in my whole life seen a more shady operation, and this includes the shell game operators on Coney Island.
Think I'm kidding? Try getting a sale price on your car. They won't tell you.
What? Seriously?
That's right, folks. Century 3 runs a game called, "How much are you willing to spend per month?"
As it is, they prey upon ignorance. People who look at their budget and live paycheck to paycheck. They don't want to tell you the sale price because their financing operation is a cash cow. The poor saps who buy their cars have no idea how much interest they are actually paying to purchase their vehicle. They just see a low monthly figure and think, "hey that's great, I can upgrade!"
After four attempts to help my friend get a price on a cobalt a few years back, I finally said loudly in the showroom, "I can't believe you find people dumb enough to fall for your tricks here. You are robbing people blind." And then we walked out, vowing never to ever set foot in that place again.
I truly pity anyone who didn't read the fine print on their contracts.