This mall is fine. I don't think it's any different than any normal mall in anytown America. Some of the comments seem typical from those that live here and look beneath anyone that isn't in their same socio-economic class. Maybe I'm immune from noticing this type of stereotype from the areas I've lived in on the East Coast where everyone just does their thing? Maybe it's just that people here are too used to places like Fashion Show Mall or places that are more high end?
Who knows, who cares, it served its purpose, is very easy to get to from the freeway, has tons of potential and would be perfect for a nice redevelopment to correspond with Springs Preserve across the street.
Anyway, those of you who are afraid to mingle with people that you may not necessarily socialize with normally can keep going to your places, those of us who get along with everyone will keep to the mall when it makes sense to go there.