| - it's the dead of winter and i have cabin fever. while i sit here envious of friends in other cities that aren't experiencing bitter cold and grey day in and day out.. and also spent the day basking in the quick glimpse of warmer weather we had mind drifted to things in clevo that make a good summer day.
lakewood park came to mind.
this is a great park. it's part of lakewood parks system, and it's huge. there's a couple baseball fields, soccer fields full of kids during the summer, a huge pool, lake front walking, swings over looking the lake, volleyball courts, and my personal favorite....
the best playground in all of cleveland.
sure, you can say coventry's excursion into the land of play is a decent competitive attempt. and i might even agree. but to me, nothing beats swinging on a swing overlooking the water. aaaand tire swings. dear lord, i love tire swings. i may not be considered a kid anymore, but i definitely love me a good playground. this one? one of the best. ever.
i'll let you in on a little secret. but you can't all do this too, because then it will be too crowded and not as fun anymore. but in may, when the weather is beautiful but the kids have school the next day, go to the park around 8 or 9 pm. you have free reign of the park and the playground without the kids bullying you to get off the playground.
you know. cuz big dolores picked on you as a kid. so she's hanging around the playground waiting to kick your butt again.
...nope. no she's not.
anyways, lakewood park. best. love it.