| - I love this place. I really do. The cheese and bacon buns are simply one of those things that I wouldn't mind being buried to death in (ok, I know, macabre thought). Sooo freakin' rich, cheesy and salt lovin' goodness, I purposely restrict myself from these except on special weekends when I need the carbs and yummy goodness such as during my dragon boat festivals.
Of everything else, in all honesty, I wish I can tell you, which is why I'm giving a 4 instead of 5 stars. The simple truth is that there are so many things to simply worship in a good ol' fashioned bakery way (nothing fru fru, nothing gourmet, just plain ol' breads of all sorts, cookies, simple cakes and of course the freakin' awesome cheese buns or the even better cheese and bacon buns.
Now I've read a few comments about how they don't offer anything Gluten free, but then at least they're honest about it. With a product selection as it is, and the fact that to ensure a gluten free area would mean a heck of a lot of work to ensure a safe zone unadulterated by normal flour, I'm really not too surprised. Sorry guys if you are hoping for a Glamorgan gluten free line, but Lakeside Bakery near North Glenmore park does offer all that and more!
Damn. Now I'm craving these things... and the next dragon boat fest for me is several weeks away. I need an excuse!!!!