I didn't think I would ever lose my little Tucker. I had this unrealistic idea in my head that he'd always be there, by my side. He was a chihuahua but only by breed, he didn't bark like one or bite little kids like most do. He loved our entire family, from 34 to 3yrs old. I am so very thankful to have been informed of this place when he suddenly passed. I was in shock. I was completely destroyed when I lost him. Not only was Allen completely understanding, he was so sweet. He waited after hours for me to bring my precious baby in. I could barely get a sentence out when I walked through the door. He shook my hand & tried his best to console the stranger he had crying in his business. I picked up my little boy today, 3yr old in tow, & I must say. It sure makes you feel better having your pet back home with you. He's never too far away. God forbid, I ever need to have another pet taken care of, but when I do. I'll definitely be returning. And I've already told all my friends & family how amazing they were