| - We moved from out of state, and lived at Calypso for about 3.5 months, until buying a home!
Pros- *The location is close to everything!
*We didn't have an upstairs neighbor for most of our lease.
*The gym was convenient and I actually got to enjoy it alone, if I went at specific times.
*Apt was not cleaned at all before our move in. We had to wear slippers/shoes for a week or so(after numerous floor washings, absolutely filthy). The Office offered to come clean it after our stuff was moved in. We declined and I cleaned it myself. I think they may have credited us like $35 or so..yeehaw.
*Fast fwd to our first few nights where our toilet flooded our bathroom...three times, due to a plumbing issue that required maintenance. We also had to call them for our AC leaking in our apt, garbage disposal not working, dryer not working, shower rod falling off the wall/as well as TP holders(they never fixed), leak from the upstairs apt after someone moved in(which required new drywall and paint, which became a few wk long project).
*We had to yell at kids for leaving trash in front of our apt, and throwing rocks at ours and others doors.
*Trash was always overflowing, and on several occasions I saw dumpster divers digging through them.
*Dog park is rank and completely disgusting. We took our dog in there once. Barf!
*The seal at the bottom of our door was not efficient. Every time groundskeepers would get their blowers out, we came home to a dust/debris filled entryway and same for the patio.
*We had packages stolen, packages refused and sent back by the office. It took numerous complaints before they were cautious with our mail.
*The pools were only enjoyable before noon, or else they were overrun with people.
*The lady who parked next to our assigned spot, couldn't park worth a it was always a fun game trying to get in & out of my car.
*The Apt looks nice and updated until you realize how poor the workmanship is. I won't get too into detail, other than the fact that they sealed our kitchen counter with a giant curly hair on it.
*Most people do not pick up after their dog. The entire place smells like constant animal waste.
*Pick an upstairs apt if you still decide to live here! Otherwise you will hear any late night rendezvous where their bed might come through your ceiling, running children/pets, and what sounds like all day bowl-a-thons/marble tosses.
*People constantly hop the walls from street level, to get into the parking lot at night.
-I'm sure there is more...but you get the idea! Really expensive for the quality.