I've been debating writing this review for a very long time. Should I detail out the series of ridicules things Sweet Marie does on a weekly basis that makes it the closest yet most annoying convenience store to my house? On the recommendation of a friend I just decided not to go there any more, punish them with my lack of business as opposed to a scathing yelp review. I did decide though that it would be unfair to nearby yelpers not to detail out some of the ridicules stories that would make it worth at least one last trip to recognize these hilarious things....
- They have a sign saying no dogs allowed. There have been various signs for NO DOGS that have appeared over the years. Recently they put up another sign saying if you bring a dog in there it is a 10k fine. Now there is no was they could enforce that but it is AMAZING that they have that much of a problem with people bringing dogs in there that they feel the need to make such a large fake fine threat. They do have a cat that is in there so maybe that is the reason, I've only seen that cat like 3 times so it can't be that at risk. OR maybe the cat actually runs Sweet Marie and as the genius feline backbone of this shit hole it is only logical that it would enforce a multitude of laws against it's sworn genetic enemy. Sweet Marie's has since removed the fine threat, I've uploaded a picture though.
- You can never leave the store without spending $10, this is because EVERYTHING is about 2 times the cost it should be or is anywhere else in the city.
- They except pennies any day between a 2 hour period of time. Thank god says you! (Thank god says no one).
- The largest section of the store is the cat food section
- They have a couple staffers working there who are pretty nice (I know that isn't a funny story but a couple of them are quite nice.
- I actually almost got into a fist fight with a staffer there 2 years ago when she was so rude and offensive (for no reason other than I'm sure she hated having to spend more than 10 minutes in that hell hole). Seriously she was so bad that it seemed like a terrible injustice to not lay a beating. Instead I politely told her she was 'Literally, the worst' and walked away.