I'm a huge fan of Gangplank.
Prior to getting more involved with the community, I was happy to keep my head down & just work. Gangplank & many of the events they support there have totally opened me up to what a great tech community we have in Phoenix.
Since attending my first local event, Startup Weekend which was hosted there, I have been compelled to connect with folks in town & to try to do my part to make Phoenix a better place.
I'm also very impressed with how much they give and how little they ask. They provide co-working space for free, lunch & learns, social/work events like hacknight and also host many of the clubs & organizations in town. They really ask nothing in return. It's amazing.
I was very disappointed to hear of the break in there this weekend. Whoever did that is an absolute tool and if they are going to continue lame, illegal behavior like that (until they hopefully get caught & prosecuted to the fullest), they need to confine it to targets that aren't as altruistic and giving as Gangplank. If you wanted those computers, you likely know what Gangplank does for the communtiy & you deserve to burn.