Ok well they only kind of suck because I did enjoy my milkshake and the awesome steak fries, but everything else was a HUGE disappointment especially my burger. I guess my beef with Holsteins (pun intended) was that my burger came out almost well done when I ordered it medium rare. Yeah I should have sent it back but I was STARVING and didn't want to get an extra topping in my burger if you know what I mean. So I scarfed it down and here I am now on Yelp LOL!
And it doesn't stop there. I also had the absolute WORST lobster roll of my life here. In fact, I wouldn't even consider it a lobster roll, more like a little bit of lobster inside a huge untoasted unbuttered cold stale roll with bbq marks as if it was on the grill trying to pass itself off as a lobster roll, so do me a favor y'all actually do yourself a favor and DO NOT ORDER this unless of course you want a little more disappointment in your life, because if that's what you need then by all means have at it...
Yeah it looks nice and they have cool art an shit to confuse your taste buds, but the truth of the matter is I would never ever recommend this place to anyone, even someone I didn't like. You're better off gambling your money away or spending it on booze or strippers or giant guitar shaped margaritas or ziplining on Fremont Street. Hell for the price I paid here I think I could have gotten a day pass for ziplining, which I promise you would have been a whole helluva lot more enjoyable than anything here (except for the milkshakes).