When it comes to donuts, there are donuts and there are donuts! Von's Donuts!
Sure, they got featured on You Gotta Eat Here (thankfully, or I wouldn't have found out), but they really are different. I used to love Krispy Kremes just because a day old KK tastes fresher than today's Tim Horton's. It was that freshness that comes from a donut not cooked from frozen or reheated from frozen.
While being the priciest donuts you'll ever have, I say they are worth it. The creativity in the toppings, and quality make these "artisan" products. But they are downright dangerous to your waistline.
Whenever I get in from the burbs, I stop in and grab a half dozen. While they have a long list of flavours, it's Russian Roulette as to which ones are in production today. Or if there are any left when you get there late!