How can two froyo places open at almost the same time on the same road and both be amazing? I can only go to one at a time...
This place is very good. I really really like the yellow cake froyo, even more than the froyo at picadilly. The selection is also good as far as the number of flavors and the variety of toppings. The one slight negative of this place compared to picadilly is that KiwiSpoon is somewhat of an out of state chain while picadilly is local, though this KiwiSpoon doesn't seem to have the same menu as the rest of them in CT so I'm not entirely sure what the actual relationship is.
That being said, this place is just as good and cheaper. If organic, vegan, and local matter more to you versus price then go to picadilly. If you just want great froyo, you can't go wrong either way. Try them both I say.