absolute bULLSHIT i brought my dog in for pain issues that i thought were coming from her ears that turns out wasn't i was sent home with steroids n ear drops nothing explaining the pain SHE WAS HAVING .....meanwhile i went home and the dog continued to be in pain i called this office back to explain she won't lay down they said the doc would prescribe a sedetive not knowing whats really wrong, no blood tests or x-rays done, i picked up the seditive.... to no help 2 hrs go bye dogs still crying in pain n won't lay down still .meanwhile has not slept all day .i bring dog back to office for xray leave her there for 4 hrs for the doc to call to tell me he gave her another iv seditive and nothing has helped her relax or sleep but the dogs not in pain its JUST HAVING SONE SORT OF REACTION FROM SONETHING SHE INGESTED .ask if the dog ate any drugs specifically? meth or prescription meds because he's seen dogs act like that before ..well excuse me but the dog has not rested and has not stopped whinning since I brought her in this morning when u opened when I bring my family member to get help I EXPECT TESTS TO BE DONE IE BLOOD WORK THEN IF NOTHING shows then XRAYS TO GIVE AN ACCURATE and PROFESSIONAL DIAGNOSIS .......IM NOT Paying FOR YOUR GUESS WORK ....now i have to bring her to a real EMERGENCY vet and pay TWICE AS MUCH BECAUSE ITS AFTER HOURS . IF U WOULD HAVE DONE YOUR JOB ORIGINALLY WE Wouldn't BE AT THIS POINT NOW ....NOT ONLY HAVE YOU LOST ME AS A CUSTOMER BUT MY MOM N COUSIN WILL NO LONGER BE USING YOUR SERVICES NO WONDER THE 3.5 stars