While this place may at one point been a worthwhile weekend distraction, what it is now would be better classified as an indoor rummage sale or glorified dollar store. Depending on where you enter the building you are immediately accosted by the smell of either knock-off fragrances, incense, fried food, or cheap plastic toys. The entire place is full of shopkeepers who deal amongst their own compatriots exclusively in the medium of dirt-cheap and low-quality products. I'm not sure who is out there buying Pentium III computers or used 700mhz cordless phones in 2015 but judging by the stores, there must be a sucker for them. Dr. Fleas boasts an "international food court" which in reality is nothing more than a few stalls hocking Caribbean, Italian, and Middle-Eastern style food. Most units don't have real kitchens for food prep and most of the stuff appears to be brought in from the proprietor's own home kitchens then warmed on-site.
Simply put, unless you're in the market for bottom-of-the-barrel, low-quality items avoid this flea market. There's nothing worth buying here otherwise.