| - Please, spare yourself and *never* go here. EVER.
Many Montreal hipsters and art students pride themselves on knowing the seediest bar in the 'hood, and making it cool with their presence (because, cheap drinks).
THIS dive bar, however, is not one of those places. THIS is beyond any well meaning redemption. THIS is a place to avoid.
I wouldn't ever in my right mind come here, but I was dragged along to my partner's student event, obviously organized by someone who didn't have a god-lovin' clue.
Let me just sum up my experience by saying that the bar staff, a lone woman, was the lowest life form one could encounter, who verbally abused me for deciding to get up and leave. I'd had one of the free cocktails from the event, and was half contemplating a second one, when hunger got the best of me and I decided to hit the burger joint instead. For some reason unbenownst to me, this squawky bartender decided to take my departure personally, as if it was about her. Forgot her mood meds that day? I dunno. She started yelling something incoherent at me as I headed towards the door, and because I ignored her, she started yelling at the top of her lungs to my partner about how I'm crazy. Wow, just wow.
So, if you like unprovoked abuse, go hang out here. Otherwise, AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE. We'll certainly be talking to the event organizers to make sure they don't make the same mistake of booking another event there.