| - Let's take a cornfield and build two cities in it. One city will be quaint and have adorable buildings and outdoor landscaping, the other will be a bizarre mixture of ghetto-scary and hip downtown-y. Now let's take these cities and drop a university right where they intersect.
Oh wait, someone already did that. It's called the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
This school is HUGE and you will find whatever it is you're looking for here, whether it be academia, a drunken oblivion, total Greek-dom, a cool indie scene, trouble, a combination of these, you name it.
My only complaint is with my specific program, the education program, which really relied on mostly theory and skimped on the classroom experience. Learning about how to affirm a student's identity by choosing the right literature is nice and all but it might be better to learn how to stand up in front of a class and get them to listen to whatever you're saying first. Just sayin'....
That said, I've got four years of AMAZINGNESS courtesey of UIUC in the form of IT, Barton-Lundgren, Sherman Hall (the cell), the Ultimate Frisbee Club, Mug Night at the Illini Inn, Martini Night at Legends', Logo Glass Night or pretty much any night at Murphy's, the roof of the White Ho', Empire Chinese, Pizza Magia, Za's, bus trips to the mall and Meijer, the Suburban Express, FAT DON'S, the cheap ice skating at the Hockey rink, ORANGE KRUSH and I Pride, tent and parking lot tailgates, random frat after hours, apartment parties, quad sunning, the Japan House gardens and the jogging path along vet med, and most of all, the amazing people I met and/or bonded with there.
Oh yeah, and I got a degree from there too, that incidentally led to me getting a decent job to boot, so awesome!