EXTREMELY disappointed in their choice to cut out some of the 7pm XGT classes!!! Us members pay a premium for these classes and being a medical professional and having a family/ career like most people- this is the time that I can attend! Absolutely unacceptable. It should not matter if there are 3, 5 or 20 people attending that class it should still remain an option for members because a lot of us signed up under the notion that this class was a solidified time slot. Will our monthly rate be decreased by 60%???Because that's essentially what you are cutting down our class time from 5 days a week to 2 days. Again, unacceptable. With how competitive the market is with other gyms nearby (LA Fitness down the street on 99th and Northern) to personal trainers on every corner, you would think there would have been a better business decision to keep your "customers/ clients" happy- Again, unacceptable! This poor decision needs to be looked into ASAP before multiple clients cancel their membership including myself. The time of year should also be taken into account when judging class sizes. A lot of families have been busy with graduations, their children's summer vacations, family vacations, extreme heat, etc that equate to a lower amount of attendees. I would like to hear directly from a Corporate Manager if this matter is not addressed- we have already begun to take action with having dissatisfied members sign a "petition" to bring back our 7pm class. Please address and rectify this matter ASAP. Thank you.
On a positive side note: I've been to other classes as well and all the trainers are AMAZING!! This is why I feel so strongly about this decision.