Tableau was a pleasant and much needed break from the loud and the neon . We went there for brunch and sat on the patio which overlooked a highly manicured garden and small pool (built in entertainment included 50 something fat mob type with very young and very large fake boobed girlfriend who was obviously practically having sex with him in the pool at 11:30 in the morning because they connect spiritually). What do you expect? Anyways, beside that- this place was pretty good.
The service was very professional and competent, albeit a tad snooty. I started with a bib salad on a bed of prosciutto garnished with pistachio encrusted spears of asparagus.
Then, being hungover and ravenous, could not resist the Kobe burger. YUM. Cooked medium rare, juicy, tender and flavorful. It came with fries but I subbed for the chick pea onion rings. SUPER crispy! The ultimate indulgence.
Since my main man has been on an eggs benedict quest of sorts for a couple of years now- when he saw braised Kobe short rib eggs benedict on the menu, he almost had an aneurysm. Needless to say, he found these quite satisfactory.