Ok, so I stupidly went back.
I wanted to get a walk-in special for lunch. They offer a large, specialty pizza for $16.99 on their menu board. I ask for that politely and I specify the type of pizza which I am reading directly from their menu board. They guy gives me a total of $22.59, which is $3 more than the menu board.
I point this out to him. He is clearly incapable of explaining himself or problem solving.
He attempts to tell me the special on the board includes pop and isn't the same one I think it is.
I say, great, you're telling me that for $16.99 + tax, I can get the pizza and some pops.
He doesn't understand and I ask if he can look at the menu board to understand what I'm seeing. He insists that the specific pizza I want isn't part of that $16.99 deal. I can see it very clearly listed 3rd on the list.
I tell him to keep his pizza and that I won't be taken for a ride.
To heck with this place!