Flew out of McCarran this morning .... was in a hurry and forgot to grab my wallet out of a suitcase, had my ID in my pocket for easy access at the airport plus a little cash for the taxi ride. To my surprise when I got my bags back at my destination I had a little slip stating my bag had been searched. We like I mentioned before had forgot to grab my wallet, oh don't worry the wallet was there but the $500 in the money clip was gone. None of our other bags were search just that one. Last time I flew out of there my headphones came up missing. So what can they really see when they scan a bag I'm sure they are pretty familiar what items look like on the scans and funny how that bag got selected to be searched. The TSA sucks and I believe there are thief's that work in the organization. I know my fault for making the mistake. So from now on I will be like every other passenger carrying as much on board as I can that has value and leaving my clothes and deodorant to be stolen. Thats for ruining a great trip TSA.