| - Ok, 2nd Review and this place nailed it 2 times in a row with consistency, hospitality, cleanliness... but most important the food was GREAT..
This round, I got the Trio,,, Gumbo, Jambalaya, and the PIE.. omg..
Gumbo, I had last time, and this had the same great flavors.. On this round, I noticed what made this better than some others I have tried.. This Roux, isn't watered down and thin, its a good thickness packed with flavor... The Jambalaya, to me is like a "Combo Fried Rice" but American based.. lol.
Crawfish PIE.. ok, Had a nibble on this when wife had it, and the breading was awesome.. like a cronut :o, but missed out on the actual stuffing.. This time it was all me, and I got the full monty on this.. The Crawfish inside had some nice chunk sizes, and you could definitely taste the crawfish, not overpowered by the other fixins.. dayum, was thinking this would be a great breakfast snack as well..
This is in our new rotation of dining.. until further notice :p