| - This is, without a doubt, the worst Sonic location I have ever had the sad displeasure to patron. How hard is it to leave the mayo off the burger? Besides the fact it clearly says "mayonnaise is the condiment of Satan" in the Bible, every American knows that it's taboo. I also have a undercover brother mentality when it comes to mayo. Gross. But I digress...let me just say I literally stated NO MAYO, no less than three times during the course of my order...sadly, when I arrived at home, salivating over my eagerly anticipated burger, I was completely broad sided by approximately 1 full tablespoon, not teaspoon, of the Devils discharge adorning my pathetic excuse of sustenance. Needless to say, after pressure washing the truck load of disgusting off my burger and rinsing the pickles in Muratic acid, I threw it away...thanks Sonic for ruining my hopes, desires, and probably the rest of my burger eating life...