Man o man... I went to advanced spinal solutions a few years ago because of the crazy contortion job I performed as a technician for Fry's electronics.
Dr. Elmer is a nice guy and seemed like he meant well but if I would have known they were going to trick me into a 2yr contract and make me come on my lunch time (which was very hard on me) I would have never done this "plan" at all, EVER!
I thought they had solutions to long term help. It turns out you have to purchase this equipment for exercises. Now keep in mind I had insurance full PPO plan and none of it was covered and this contract they made me sign costed me in the thousands even with insurance. The reason I am upset and they are lucky to get even 2 stars is this, after the first year they moved 35 miles round trip which was more than double what I was currently driving and could no longer go there during my lunch break in timeto get back to work to make the schedule they had. Then they proceeded to push the contract and pay them even though I received very little treatment because I could no longer be there in time or at all. I never saw a refund or a "here's what we can do to help you" I got a f*%# you pay me pink slip in the mail every month and i drove down just to give them money so they don't take me to small claims court.
If anyone wants real spinal help I know someone whois actually helpful and not looking to make his rent off you in one week.