Well what seemed like a simple job is turning into a nightmare!
How hard is it to measure a window and send off the measurements and get the product installed.
I should have just gone with my gut and used the other company.
It is now middle of July! This job was ordered in May!
I told Ryan, let's start off with 5 windows and then we'll see about getting the whole house done... Now I'm seriously seriously having 2nd thoughts.
5 Windows... OMG!
And let me just put it out there... If you're too busy to talk to a customer and listen to what they have to say... call them back when you do have time! (Cause Women love to Vent!)
I'm upset and with the owner on that one.
And Front desk Cassie, please follow up with your customers and keep them informed.
No-one likes to be left hanging for a week.. Call or email them or something!
The installers are great! No problems with them..
Ryan you did your job well too.
I just want this done already!!
Just a review... While I'm steaming over these shutters.
Note: I do love my shutters that have been installed