"Rape durin Daylight" I came to this store happy thinking i got a deal. A new phone upgrade with a bunch of new gadgets (screen protectors, chargers, case etc) all included for free in my plan if I signed a 2 yr contract. I just needed to pay like $300 for the phone that I wanted.
If I didn't agree to this, the rep told me I couldn't get my upgrade.I supposedly needed to pay for the full amount of the phone.
Come to find out, all of this was a lie, scam, bs ! Because I am paying for the so called free gadgets and it turns out that I only needed to pay $185 for my upgrade.
I also found out that Verizon employees need to sign a contract when they are hired stating not to discuss with the public on their shady business deals.
They are pressured to sale accessories and upgrade, upgrade, upgrade, with out caring or remorse for the lies they are dishing out to customers face to face.
I like to say "this is rape in daylight".
So please please please..do your home work "DO NOT SHOP" on Verizon corporate stores because YOU will be raped my friend.
Shop on Verizon independent dealers because they are private stores they don't have the pressure to those sales goals that the verizon Corporate stores sets on their employees.
By the way the ex employee that shared this with me is no longer working for Verizon because he did refuse to lie to customers, I guess once in a while they hire people with unbreakable integrity.
I have to add that I am a Verizon customer I like the service but I don't agree with the dishonest sale practices of their corporate stores like this one.