While paying an entrance fee is a bit strange to me, it's only a dollar and there is a two for one coupon on their website.
If you like shopping at carnivals and little festival type gatherings where there is a lot of random, cheap, and assorted stuff, this place is awesome. A lot of trendy jewelry like feather and flower clips and earrings, shiny big rings, and hair feathers are $1. They had a lot of make up and nail polish that was $1 as well but I'm more wary of those since even store brand products can carry toxic ingredients in them.
As for the clothing and shoes that I saw, they look like newer thrift store quality clothing but at retail price, so it's not really worth it to me for the styles they carry.
Definitely worth it if you want to stock up on cheap accessories though. And I love the reptiles shop. Their owners are very knowledgeable and totally into their critters.
I'm not a good haggler, but if you wanted to you could beat the prices down you could.