| - I'm so excited about this place! I'm excited because I love juices, I love how they make me feel, and I love knowing exactly where the juice is coming from. No crazy ingredients added. And that's a guarantee here.
Ginny, the owner, knows her stuff. She's taken the time to really understand living healthy, and I appreciate that. And the best part of it all, the juices all taste phenomenal.
I did a one day juice cleanse, because I was scared to do any more days, since I had never done a cleanse before. Was the cleanse easy? No. But what made it easier was that all the juices were delicious! Even the red beet one, that looked terrifying, was delicious. Seriously, you hear about these cleanses, and how the juices are gross. At least if I'm "cleansing" aka mostly starving, I know I'm getting good things into my body.
I'm strangely enough looking forward to my next juice cleanse, and it's all because of Salud!