I wasn't sure if I should go, since it might be too gross. And give me nightmares or cause me to develop an involuntary twitch.
But I read a yelp review saying you should see something like this at least once in your life. I decided that was convincing and went.
As it turns out, the exhibit wasn't gross at all. I have seem similar before Not exactly the same but similar. Skeletons models in school/knee models in doctors office/half eaten chicken etc are not that far off from what's on display here.
True, these models are ACTUAL DUDES. You sort of have to keep reminding yourself of that. Like a movie based on a true story. The fact that it really happened makes it a better story.
The exhibits are thought provoking. To see the whole body laid out in parts really brings home what an amazing machine the body is. There are so many critical parts. It's a wonder more people don't drop dead more often from a bum pancreas or lung. Or busted brain or stomach. Alot has to go right for us to walk around everyday.
I wouldn't recommend the audio tour (+$5). The cue cards will keep you plenty busy. They're informative with an activist tilt. You'll learn that the brain is 2% of a mans body weight and 2.5% of a womens body weight (give yourself a high five ladies!). They also have a blacked out lung with a cue card urging you to throw away your cigarettes for good, in a see through box provided. (Some cigarettes were in there.)
Overall, its a worthwhile experience. And you won't get nightmares. I left wondering how they tricked the models into participating (they're all chinese btw..strange). Aside from that I feel sorry for animals (say dogs for instance) that have all the same basic parts as us but are dumbasses due to their small brains.
Anyway..the exhibit will probably get you thinking. Worth it.