I have never done a review on any business before but PARTY USA gave me such Bad experience.They want you to pay upfront but when there is a problem all they will tell you is 'oh well its not our fault" the Management that works there are the problem & not the merchandise they should uphold to what they promised the customers and if there are any issues they should give their guest a courtesy call if there are any issue with their orders this way problems can be resolved ahead of time instead of waiting till the customer gets there and telling "its not their fault" theres a problem . It shouldn't matter who's fault it is BUT the ISSUE or the problem should be rectified before the customer picks up the merchandise especially if there is ample time to fix the problem or at-least have a solution to tell the customer before they come to pick up. It was a mistake ordering a BANNER FROM THIS PLACE THE QUALITY & CRAFTSMANSHIP is bad not to include the poor CUSTOMER SERVICE, there are plenty of places in Las Vegas that will do better and will be more professional when doing business than this place. I should have read the BAD REVIEWS from people first before going to this place. The company could use sometime to Train their Managers & workers proper manners to talk to customers as first of all the so called Manager shouldn't Address the customers "Honey" as this is really inappropriate