My kids four and five were going here for about almost two years. First month there my son gets hand and mouth no big deal I thought it's daycare! After a while my daughter who was 3 at the time hated coming there so I had a friend watching her and only took my son he loves it there. They still had me pay for my daughter even tho she wasn't going but maybe like every blue moon ok fine! My son started school this year so they offered transportation to and from school I thought great because with my schedule I can't always get him to safekey because I go in early sometimes! Since school started my son has been left at school 5 times and today was the last straw!!! The owner promised me it wouldn't happen again but after the 4th time I really believed her and also the lady miss bell promised she will be the person who picks him up and it's her responsibility and she swore to give them another chance so I did and guess what? Again they left my child at school! She I guess fired some people today and said to give them another chance but I can't risk it I'm done! The school recommended me calling the news because my child is a foster child who already has abandonment issues and if the school called cps because he was left there I would loose him!!! It really sucks that I can't trust them to care for my little one!!!! Now I have to take time off work to try to find another place because I can't risk loosing him over this daycare....
Just because something is convenient doesn't mean it's the best!!! I'm humiliated from the schoool that my son attends it's just embarrassing