Arrived on time and found the lounge to be extremely over crowded the coat check Is self service and not ideal for Montreal in the winter time as there were people jammed in front of the rack and just too many people for the space to move comfortably
Once we placed our order it took about an hour to seat our table , with no seating in the lounge it wasn't a comfortable experience
The in the dark experience was interesting and quite fun , to explore your table and examine your place setting using only touch is really cool
I wouldn't expect a five star meal or five star service , it definitely about sitting in the dark eating rather than the experience of flavors smells and textures that it could be . It does get very loud and is hard to carry a conversation at times due to the noise
I would definitely recommend trying it but I would also recommend leveling your expectations a little before going , the food will be good but not stellar , the service will be average at best (banquet style service in the dark)