I have seen a steep shift here in the last year or so. When I first moved in, the admin staff gave me a very hard time and made me feel like this was the most elite place in town to move into or something. I like how quiet it was initially but lately there's more and more ghetto people walking around and making noise, yelling, cat calling women, speeding through the parking area bumping music and the dog park is ALWAYS filthy. Police are here now on a regular basis and it's really embarrassing when guests are over. No one picks up after their dogs around the property. Some of the maintenance staff are extremely grumpy and I felt uncomfortable having a few in my apartment because one acted like he was super pissed off doing his job and never smiled or said anything. I am a lot more diligent about locking all my windows and doors lately but with recent robbers kicking people's doors in nearby, I don't always feel 100% safe. The front gate is ALWAYS open and homeless people with shopping carts browse and dumpster dive the property on a daily basis. I guess they started lowering their standards when times got tough? I will finish out my lease before it gets worse hopefully.