This review is pertaining to service.
I bought a Streetglide at another shop last year and decided to do modifications. I spent about $3,000 just on parts and service including pipes.
I was saving to buy a house and didn't want to use the money at the time but was talked into it because they said they could give me a discount on the parts.
I took the service manager's (Mike) suggestion to have them put a set of pipes on for which I had no prior personal experience with the pipes of the service manager. I thought at the time that they would know better than I would. I was wrong. Always follow your gut feeling.!
I noticed popping after the pipes were installed. I had told them I had had issues with popping on other non-Harley bikes and definintely didin't want that to happen. I was sure to state this before I bought the pipes. After going back at least 4-5 times for the same issue and being told that the popping shouldn't be an issue because that's just what Thunder Headers do by the service manager, I finally went to the Manager of the store. *I do have to say that Mark, the manager was good about asking what they could do and offered to put other mufflers on the bike.* However, when I asked the service manager about changing out the mufflers, I was told that all others would still pop. I chose instead to have another mechanic tune the bike.
I still have popping after all of this. I called the dealership about a month ago to let them know it was still a problem because they had told me to call them and let them know. They told me they wanted me to be happy. Well, not so much!
I suggest to anyone that is considering going there and making modifications that you get a second opinion. Don't assume that because they are at Harley, they know your bike or know what is going to work.
It's very disappointing because I chose a Harley shop rather than other people I was referred to worrying that they might not do a good job.