To whomever this concerns. I was a paying customer for your event on July 1st, rammsteins, Korn and stone sour. Had purchased my tickets months in advance. Come the day of the show we arrived 3 hous early. Hour before the posted 6.00 door opening time we lined up at the doors. Doors opened 15 minutes late.... then came the other problem. Not a single form of crowd control existed upon the doors opening at it became a sardine of every one rushing to get inside. people forming their own lines, lines merging into other lines. Ppl cutting into the front of the lines. Me and my two frI ends were left standing in line for and hour and a half. By the time we made it in stone sour was already heavy into their performance and we missed one of the bands we came to see and yet we were an hour early..... doors should open at least an hour or two before any band starts to accommodate for large crowds and too give time for every one tof get inside and at their designated ticket seats... then their is the problem of a sever lack of trash cans at the door to collect the horrendous amount of trash that had piled up at your entrance doors due to your policy of no outside food or drinks or containers. I'd also like to point out that security was also a major flop at your event. We watch a young woman have to escorts a clearly drunk and wasted man by herself cause not a single guard was posted or a bouncer. I feel almost as if I should be demanding my money back for the inconvenience and lack of preparation on your staffs half.