Do not use this catering company. We used them for a recent work event and one of the catering company staff members was so rude it was unbelievable. The food was serve yourself buffet style. My coworkers and I were at a table eating our food and she came up to the table and said ladies you are going to have to move your food I need to take this tablecloth. I don't think I've ever witnessed anything so rude as we all looked at each other and lifted up our plates and she jerked the table cloth off and marched off to the next table to do the same thing. Then when the cleaning staff for our building started cleaning up the food table she was rude to them as well and then she told them to "leave those lemons on the table" we will reuse those. Oh my, those lemons had been sitting out on the food table for several hours possibly being handled by hundreds of employees. This may be one renegade employee making you look bad but boy is she wreaking havoc on your company.