The day I came in to buy my car, I was very impressed. They worked with me on finding a car that I could afford and feel comfortable driving, I have size requirements for my long legs. The problem is that I'm sitting in the waiting room for the 8th time in the 16 months I've had the car. The O2 sensor triggered so many check engine lights in a row, I threatened to invoke lemon law rights. They fixed it, at least for about 2 months, and now I'm back in here again. To make it more fun, I was just kicked out of the comfortable sales waiting room and sent to the row of chairs in front of the service window so the sales reps could have a meeting. These chairs are not conducive to sitting for hours at a time, and this room is not temperature controlled. I was already in a bad mood coming in here again and now I'm cold and uncomfortable. I've been nothing but patient thus far, but I'm very close to being very mean.