| - So there are a million hotels in Vegas obviously, but this one is what we chose. We made reservations in the west tower for a king bed. Well when we arrived, all king bed rooms were taken. So instead of giving us some BS, dude instantly suggested he would upgrade us to a deluxe room for free... Uhhhj, YEA!
We had a lot of luggage so we used bell service. Dude made small talk with us, and asked where we are from. We said Okinawa. He goes oh cool, I was stationed at Camp Schwab (a tiny marine base that you'd only know if you'd actually been there so he wasn't lying). I was like wow no way what a small world.
It's only the first night but so far everything is working out great! Dude being at Schwab, free room upgrade, decent restaurant etc... Worth a 4 star... For us anyways. Of course if you're willing to $$$$$, vegas has better places but call it luck, we are getting great service and a great deal! Dude even thanked me for my service. And after hitting my 15th year in the army this year, I gotta say I never get tired of genuine Americans genuinely thanking me. Means a lot. Circus circus will definitely get my business again.