I live in the neighbourhood and drop in from time to time to see what is new. Nothing here you can't get at any grocery store at a fraction of the cost. The salmon is all farmed none wild and none from Alaska (they only sell the cheapest available fish). They have plenty of fish from the pacific ocean; think about that; Fukashima Japan, radiation, of course this should concern you. Hooked is just a middle person selling over priced farmed/contaminated fish at a premium price. You can get the same fish from any grocery store at a fraction of the price and maybe even better quality. When it comes to seafood, first you have to make sure it comes from the ocean and second pay attention to which ocean.
For a fish store that doesn't carry Alaskan Salmon (the only salmon I would consider safe to eat), you have to question everything in their store. Hooked is cheaper than most high quality places like St Lawrence market but the quality and safety of the fish is much lower. You get what you pay for folks. Nothing in this store comes from the sea to plate, all farmed. Except the fish they import from BC from the contaminated pacific ocean and the Fukshima nuclear explosion. That sounds good doesn't it.