I used to date a Vietnamese guy and he knew the best Vietnamese restaurants in Montreal and Toronto and Anh Dao is one of the better places in Toronto. I do like Pho Hung across the street -- the place with the cow-head on the logo -- but you can't get the speciality do-it-yourself rolls that you can at Ahn Dao.
You can get a plate of various grilled meats to roll in rice paper with various leafy vegetables and pickled assortments. Do-it-yourself rolls are fun and makes you feel as though you've accomplished something when you've finished your meal. They also have a wonderful sour soup; not for everyone but super tasty for those who like sour soup (me!).
You can get a decent sized meal for $10-$15. Of course they also have the usual Pho (soup) and Bun (vermecelli) but if you find yourself seated in this tiny restaurant, opt for adventure and go for the do-it-yourself rolls!